Denny Burk wrote a great article reflecting on the cultural significance of the Grammys (you can read it here), and says a lot of things far better than I could. I thought the article was just great, and helped me wrap my head around some of the brilliance, and absurdity that I saw as I watched some highlights of the whole thing. Below is one of my favorite quotes from Burk's article.
In as much as the Grammys are a cultural barometer, I saw no surprises in last night’s spectacle. There were the flickers of image-bearing brilliance, but there was also the darkness of God-ignoring art. I was reminded of just how needy we all are of real beauty and real truth (which are of a piece in my view). I was also reminded that we are a people in desperate need of the only real profundity that there is in the world—the gospel of King Jesus crucified and raised for sinners-from-birth.
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